Monday, November 14, 2011

What to Put on that Thanksgiving Plate?

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time, filled with family, football, naps on the couch, eating, eating and more eating! So the struggle for most of us is how to enjoy this festive time but not add 5 pounds to our gut, hips, butt or other trouble zone. :) So here are some simple ideas to take some of the stress away and help you relax. Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
1. Pick the white meat turkey and skip the skin.

2. Make half of your plate colorful with fruits and vegetables. Choose the roasted veggies that are usually lighter on the cream sauces, cheese, and sugar.

3. Look for or make a  whole grain stuffing or even stuffing made from quinoa.

4. Bring a veggie side dish that you know is made with the ingredients you like, that way you are guaranteed to have something to load on to your plate.

5. Don’t over load your plate. Remember, you can always go back for more. I find it helpful if you are really counting calories to use a small salad plate or dessert plate. It will encourage smaller portions yet to the eye you feel like you get a lot.:)

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